The Goonies | Full Movie | Movies Anywhere
The Goonies

- PG
- 1h 54m
- 1985
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Steven Spielberg, Richard Donner (Lethal Weapon films) and Chris Columbus (Harry Potter films) collaborate to create an epic childen's adventure of subterranean caverns, sunken galleons and a fortune in lost pirate treasure waiting to be found by a group of friends known as the Goonies. With brothers Mikey (Sean Astin) and Brand's (Josh Brolin) house slated for demolition by greedy land developers, the boys decide their only hope lies in finding a long-lost treasure. They uncover a treasure map and with their friends descend to a subterranean sea and an abandoned galleon in this fun-filled, fast-paced adventure.
© 1985 The Goonies © 1985. Package Design & Supplementary Material Compilation © 2007 Warner Bros. Entertainment Inc.
Special Features
Rotten Tomatoes® Score
Critics Consensus: The Goonies is an energetic, sometimes noisy mix of Spielbergian sentiment and funhouse tricks that will appeal to kids and nostalgic adults alike.
More on Rotten Tomatoes
Additional Info
- Genre:Family, Action
- Release Date:June 7, 1985
- Languages:English
- Captions:English
- Audio Format:5.1
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