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I Confess | Full Movie | Movies Anywhere

I Confess
I Confess
I Confess
  • UR
  • 1h 35m
  • 1953
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Montgomery Clift stars in Alfred Hitchcock's thriller about a priest on trial for murder ... whose only defense would violate the sanctity of the real killer's confession. In the confessional of a small Quebec parish, Father Michael Logan(Clift) hears the church sexton whisper: "I killed a man." Father Logan's vows prevent him from breaking the sanctity of the confessional--and allow the killer to go free. But as the police investigate the murder, all the evidence points to Father Logan. Now, to remain true to his vows, Father Logan will be forever discredited--and possibly convicted for murder.
© 1953 A Warner Bros. Entertainment Inc. All Rights Reserved.

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Additional Info

  • Genre:Drama, Thriller
  • Release Date:March 22, 1953
  • Languages:English
  • Captions:English
  • Audio Format:
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